Spice and Herb Assortment

What Are Spices and Herbs?

Spices and herbs are powerful forces in the kitchen. They add, enhance, and balance flavors, and envelop the dinner table in intoxicating aromas. They breathe life into every meal…

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Spices in spoons

What Can Spices and Herbs Do?

Spices and herbs are often underestimated. They can do so much more than add flavor. Once you start experimenting with the myriad of ways they can modify food, the possibilities…

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Using mortar and pestle

7 Essential Tips for Using Spices and Herbs

As you embark on your journey into the wonderful world of spices and herbs, a few fundamentals would be useful to know. Whether you’re looking to add a burst of flavor…

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The Most Expensive Spices

The Most Expensive Spices in the World

More than most commodities, spices have had a profound impact on the development of human civilization. Starting in the Stone Age, people learned to first gather and use…

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spice trade map

How Did Spices Go Global?

Imagine if all the cuisines of the world used the same spices. How bland would our lives be? If there’s one thing that every cuisine has in common, it’s the use of unique spices…

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How is Saffron Produced?

Saffron is the world’s most expensive spice due to its global popularity and the enormous amount of effort and acreage that is required to produce even small amounts…

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Turmeric plants

How is Turmeric Produced?

Turmeric cultivation is deeply rooted in traditional practices that have been honed over millennia to ensure the yield of high-quality rhizomes. The meticulous process begins…

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Wasabi cultivation featured image

How is Wasabi Produced?

Wasabi is one of the rarest crops in the world because it’s among the most difficult to grow. It thrives only under highly specific conditions that are limited in the wild: cool, humid…

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